i grew up on the internet. i missed out on the wild wild west of the 90s, and my memory really only starts in the mid-2000s, so i can't exactly claim allegiance to a nostalgic childhood in an internet that was largely self-determined - already social media websites like facebook and myspace were a natural part of the landscape. (i was a deviantART kid, if you were wondering.) nor will i pretend that the internet of the late 2000s and early 2010s was unrecognizably different from the internet of 2024. but something has changed.
i'm trying, as much as i can, to come back to what i used to love about the internet. that is the purpose of this site - to embrace freedom, creativity, joy, and being a weirdo, unironically and without apology.
whether you are a friend to whom i linked this site or you simply happened upon it, you are more than welcome to browse. everything is still in progress, but i hope to add a gallery of my art, pages for my personal projects, essays, etc.
thank you for visiting ♡
- joel